Tater and Tot

Just a little dirt from my Tater Patch.


Yes, We Have No Bananas.

So, today is the day that I have to make a confession. Well, two confessions. Everyone here knows that I have a 2 year old and a 3 year old, right? That's not the confession.

No, wait. I have an almost 3 year old and an almost 4 year old. That's better. Still, not the confession.

So, I have an almost 3 year old and an almost 4 year old - and neither of them are potty trained. There. Those are the two confessions.

Oh, yes ma'am, you heard me right. They are both in "training pants." But that is a lie. There is no "training" in "training pants." They are actually just diapers that go on a different way.

So, both girls are in diapers and I am pregnant with a 3rd little sprout and I guess it hit me about 2 weeks ago that if nothing changes that come early September I will have three, count them 1, 2, 3, in diapers. That is the hugest run-on if ever there was one. But again, 3 in diapers.

And, well, I kind of freaked.

Not the traditional "well, let's get this show on the road and get these kids trained" freaked. But more the "I'm a horrible mother and I've lost all control and I've missed my chance and I wonder if I can at least have them not wearing adult diapers by the time they start having to change into gym clothes in front of their classmates in junior high" freaked.

Now, I could go into a lengthy essay full of excuses as to why the Tater is almost 4 and not trained. But, basically, mommy guilt tells me it's all my fault. And the problem wasn't the peeing in the potty, but the poop. Oh.my.good.grief. the poop.

Sooo, the PaTato and I decided that it was time to take this thing head on. A smorgasbord of pretty underthings were laid out in plain sight in the living room. Threats were commanded. Promises were made. Praises were lavished.

No poop.

The girl would hold it for two days and then sneak, hide, and poop. In the two seconds that I would turn my head or the five minutes that I wouldn't remind her that she had to poop in the potty she would find a way to trick me. She obviously had a well laid plan.

So, fast forward to yesterday. Oh my good grief, you all are saying, please for the love of all things fast forward.

Tater hadn't "gone" for a day and a half, and we had pretty much beaten into her head that if she "went" on herself, there was big trouble. At lunch time yesterday, I decided to gorge her with food. The afternoon consisted of Spaghetti-O's with cheese, chips, juice, milk, pineapple, and apples, not to mention it had been a day and a half. No one little body can hold that much. Something was coming out one way or another.

It played out like this: she had to pee, she went to pee, she accidentally let loose of one little "poop ball." (her words, not mine) We celebrated. We yelled. We screamed. We called family. We ate M&M's. We ate a cookie with M&M's. We were excited. She went to play.

Then it hit her. She really had to poop. She ran to the potty. She sat. She pooped. She yelled for me. Then she said them - what have to be some of the funniest words I have ever heard come out of such a little mouth.


And it was. And, just so you know, I want to share with you what this Tater scored for a poop ball and a banana poop in the potty.
  • M&M's
  • M&M cookie
  • a promise of underthing shopping with Mommy
  • a promise of underthing shopping with Nana
  • a one night slumber party in Mommy & Daddy's bed (can you tell we're selfish sleepers? this has never happened before!)
  • a new book
  • a promise of at least $2 from Nana
  • a prize from Papaw
  • ten crisp one dollar bills from Daddy

So, I'm proud, PaTato is proud, but most of all, Tater's proud. And I guess that is a step in the right direction.

One down, one to go.

Confessions are good for the soul, right?

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At 12:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! Go little Tater!!! You can tell her that Miss Becky is awfully proud of her, too! Yeah! It is a glorious day when they are potty trained. I love that it was a banana poop...too cute!

At 9:45 PM, Blogger Heather said...

Yay for Tater! (And for Mommy!)

My daughter had a hard time with pooping on the potty too. She would hold it in for days until it hurt her to get it out. (Baseballs, I kid you not.) I finally gave her some mineral oil so that things were "lubed" and it would slide out easier.

Honestly, I felt like a terrible mom too. But they just do it when they're ready. You can't force them to eat, sleep or potty.

Banana poop. That's hilarious.

At 10:39 PM, Blogger Amy said...

Out of all the tasks of motherhood - walking, talking, eating, dressing, sleeping (and you know how that is going) - potty training is my biggest fear. I can totally understand how it could get to that point.

But good for Tater! And a banana poop ... I'm glad Mr. Chicken doesn't read blogs or he'd be repeating that for a year and trying to make me look at his poop.

At 11:00 PM, Blogger Devra said...

So now you have the green light to flush that mommy guilt away!

PS One of my son's didn't potty train until 3.5 years and the other was 4. ; )

At 4:26 PM, Blogger Bon said...

yay Tater! i have to admit i live in fear of potty training, mostly because i think i read my mother's weird 70s "if you don't train child correctly child will have issues for life" books when i was otherwise bored with the house reading selections during adolescence. i hope O will just, magically, train himself someday.

i guess your post suggests no on that one, huh? ;)

thanks, belatedly, for your comment over on my real moms post.

At 4:50 PM, Blogger Pam said...

Hi-larious!!! I read a comment you left on BooMama, and decided to check out your blog. This potty-training mommy will be back to visit again! I have tears from laughing!

At 8:01 PM, Blogger Kacey said...

Thanks, Pam! Do you have a blog? I tried to visit but nothing comes up...I would love to stop by if you do! Come back again!

At 9:50 PM, Blogger Pam said...

Yes, I do have a blog. I forgot that I temporarily blocked my profile from public viewing. I fixed it now, so you should be able to go to it. Sorry about that. Thanks for alerting me to the problem!

At 2:04 PM, Blogger Tara said...

Gerat day in the Tater home!!!

At 2:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there! I found you by way of the Crazy Hip Blog Mamas. I had to comment beause this post had me laughing out loud! Hilarious. Congratulations to Tater and her banana poop.

At 2:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I misspelled because.

I know how to make a good impression!

At 8:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations! And maybe now that her big sister is showing her how easy it is, and all the great things that happen when you leave bananas in the potty, Lil Sister will decide it's time to start, too!

Peer Pressure can be a good, good thing...


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