Tater and Tot

Just a little dirt from my Tater Patch.


I'm sick and tired...

...of being sick and tired.

I must say that it really stinks to be a SAHM and be sick. I have spent pretty much the entire day passed out on the couch, feverish, coughing, eyes burning, and trying not to swallow because my throat hurts so bad. Now, that would stink if you were any kind of mom, working or not. The problem lies wherein my children are home with me and know that I am sick, and that I'm probably not going to get off of the couch to dicipline anything they do. And I can't talk above a whisper today, so they absolutely can ignore my futile attemps at warnings. They really are smart little boogers.
I forgot to feed them lunch. They climbed on a chair to find chips and I half-opened my eyes long enough to open the little packs. They were probably drinking out of old cups. I almost forgot to give them their antibiotic. I have no idea how much candy they have ingested today. I can't bring myself to look for wrappers. They probably tortured the cats. And each other. And me, but I don't remember if they did.
If I took a picture of my house and posted it, someone would call someone so that someone would come and have a serious conversation with me. I have no clean dishes. I have no clean laundry. I believe that my husband has worn the same pants for two days. Or not. I haven't really looked at him long enough to know. There are toys, shoes, cups, diapers, clothes, candy, and anything else imaginable strung over every available space in my entire downstairs. And don't get me started on the upstairs.

I guess I should go to the doctor. At least then I would be sitting on the couch instead of laying down.



At 1:11 AM, Blogger GIRL'S GONE CHILD said...

HUGS. I'm sick and tired too. It's been a month. When does it end? Sigh...

At 1:23 AM, Blogger Kacey said...

GGC, I don't think it ever ends! Get well soon...

At 10:23 AM, Blogger Amy said...

Oh dear, time to call in the troops. Can hubby stay home? If I was there I would do your laundry, your dishes and make you mac n' cheese.

Get well soon.

At 10:39 AM, Blogger Kacey said...

Oh, I love me some mac & cheese! It shouldn't take you that long to get here, right? I've got a call in to the doctor - maybe a miracle is on the way! Thanks for the offer!

At 7:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please let me know if I can help you out! Want me to come clean up? I will! I love you! Hope you are feeling better soon!

At 11:12 PM, Blogger Kristen said...

Wow, that's what our house sounds like when everyone's HEALTHY. Hmm, is that a problem?

I hope you feel better soon, though! John is sick right now too, and going nuts at home with the kids.

At 1:58 AM, Blogger ErinRagan said...

so sorry you're sick!! it IS so hard being a sick SAHM... there is no calling in sick and curling up in a ball and sleeping... you know, like NORMAL people get to do when they're sick! lol.

I had to crack up at your description of your house, though... b/c that's what mine looks like 99% of the time... sick or not. I'm so glad to know I'm not alone there!!

Feel better soon!!!

At 11:18 AM, Blogger Kacey said...

kristen & erinragan,

I, too, have a perpetually cluttered house. I just thought my being sick would be a good excuse!

At 2:36 PM, Blogger Binky said...

I hope your husband gets home FAST. You need to curl up in a nice, cozy bed with the door shut and lots of meds at your side. Get well soon!

At 7:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooh, feel better soon. Being sick is no fun.

By the way, if you're looking for ideas for entertaining Tater and Tot while you're stuck on the couch, feel free to check out my latest post on things to do with a toddler while on bedrest. Just an idea, but it's the only think I could think of that would help!

Feel better soon!


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